I suppose you people have read my previous article Strange Google Crawler. After messing with google search I had decided to include my site in yahoo search .as compared to google search , yahoo search engine has crawled my pages little fast, today as on 27th February yahoo search engine showing 2 links from my Blog up their and google has crawled all links from my blog. Now lets compare time span i.e amount of time taken by yahoo and google search engine to crawl my blog.
I had submitted my blog to google search far before December of last year and 1st link of up by January 16,2008 where as I had submitted my blog to yahoo search some where after February 8,2008.today when I had checked with both search engine here is statistics
Google Search site:random-view.blogspot.com results showing 13 links
Yahoo Search http://random-view.blogspot.com result showing 2 links with 32 backlink from my wordpress blog (I had created banklink intentionally, just to make google crawler to crawl more pages from this blog )
If I compare this to search engine based on their rate at which they crawl new blog faster then it will be difficult to give any conclusion. As I have no idea whether yahoo search engine takes up any links from google search engine or not. One point which do makes me to feel yahoo search engine might be taking google search result output for further reference is, links which are up in yahoo search engine are also up in google search far before yahoo has crawled those links. Well google crawler is going good with crawling here is graphs from google analytics
Activity of Googlebot for last 90 days on my blogNumber of pages crawled per day
Maximum -41 Average- 9 Minimum- 2
Number of kilobytes downloaded per day
Maximum - 1169 Average- 140 Minimum- 0

Time spent downloading a page (in milliseconds)
Maximum- 2517 Average- 582 Minimum-123

I don’t know whether this statistics are displayed real time or there is any time lag .well any way statistics are not showing any good sigh from googlebot. Graphs are in downwards direction for last few days.
Here is result of Yahoo site Explorer
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